Join the 750,000+ teachers that have used ZipGrade in their classrooms to grade paper-based quizzes.

Bring Your Own Device
- Use the iPhone, iPad, or Android device you already own
- Requires iOS 10+ or Android OS 6+
- Sync between multiple devices: scan with Android, review on iPad or website
- Internet connection not required when scanning/grading papers

Companion Website
- Data optionally syncs to ZipGrade.com and other devices
- Additional reporting and analytics
- Define web-based assessments for remote or online students

Flexible Answer Sheets
- Standard answer sheets in 20, 50, and 100 question sizes
- Custom Form Wizard allows bespoke answer sheets: number of questions, number of answers, and labels throughout
- Create answers for multiple choice, true/false, matching, and gridded-numeric entry

Student Portal
- Assign quizzes for students to take online
- Include question sheets with quizzes when taken online
- Post results for quizzes completed online or scanned in-person

Save $ on Forms
- Use plain copy paper to print answer sheets
- Multiple forms per page possible
- Laminate forms for re-use or cleaning
- Forms with pre-printed student info available

- Review results immediately on mobile app or website
- Item analysis to quickly identify issues including Discriminant Factor
- Export all captured data to CSV for futher analysis or import into other systems

Track Standards
- Tag questions by standard or competency
- Aggregate reporting added for individual quiz or student performance over time
- Tag standards are free-form to allow for teacher customization